Order of Malta Moment
September 7, 2012
Schedule Announced for 2012 Investiture Weekend
The Federal Association’s annual Investiture Weekend will be October 18 – 19 in Washington, DC. Members and their families will support and welcome the 43 candidates from 14 states and the District of Columbia who will be invested as Knights and Dames of the Order.
The program will begin on Friday with a luncheon and members-only meeting of the Federal Association (and members of class of 2012) in the Promenade Ballroom of The Mayflower Hotel. After lunch there will be a question and answer session.
At 2 PM there will be a presentation introducing the Order of Malta’s prison ministry program which will outline how the program works in concert with the other U.S. Associations of the Order, and how our members can get involved. At 3 PM the Association will present its third annual Defense of the Faith Forum “Challenges Facing Catholics in America Today”; the principal speaker will be the Most Reverend William E. Lori, the Archbishop of Baltimore and Conventual Chaplain of the Order. Members are requested to RSVP.
After a long day, our members and guests will have the opportunity to visit with new and old friends at a reception in the Ballroom.
On Saturday at 10 AM, over 400 Knights, Dames, family and friends will attend the magnificent Investiture Mass and Ceremony at Saint Matthew’s Cathedral. The Most Reverend Kevin Farrell, Bishop of Dallas and Conventual Chaplain of the Order, will be the principal celebrant and homilist. The (soaring!) liturgical music will be provided by the Schola Cantorum and the Washington Symphonic Brass.
Immediately after Mass, the Investiture Luncheon will be held in the Grand Ballroom of The Mayflower Hotel. Family and friends are invited to this celebratory lunch which features the presentation of a few special awards.
On Saturday evening members will attend the Federal Association’s Annual Dinner – this year at The Hall of Flags in the United States Chamber of Commerce. The Chamber of Commerce (five blocks from The Mayflower) is across the street from Lafayette Square and the White House. There will be a VIP reception for the new members, very limited speech-making, a lovely dinner, and lots of music and dancing.
The formal invitations to all of the Investiture Weekend activities are in the mail. To see a schedule for the entire weekend, please click here. – Joe Dempsey, Executive Director
Members in Action—Summertime Works
Washington DC Wounded Warriors
Larry Demaree, KM (right) instructs members of the Orders and volunteers before Wounded Warriors picnic begins.
Over 80 Volunteers from the Order of Malta, and members of the Johanniter Order together with families and friends came together (with only one week’s notice) to provide a 4th of July BBQ for over 400 Wounded Warriors, families and staff at the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Bethesda, MD.
Blessed by the ability to have the event indoors, the patients recovering at Walter Reed their families and staff were treated to a Steak and Chicken BBQ with all the fixings and drinks along with entertainment by traditional Irish dancers, Clowns Judy and Gary, and the Emerald Society of Northern Virginia Pipe Band. The event was uplifting for all volunteers and patients alike and one that now may become a tradition based on the enthusiasm of both groups for a great way to celebrate the 4th of July and honor those who have served. - Larry Demaree, KM and Debby Demaree, DM, Montgomery Co, MD
Syracuse Anointing Mass

Attending Syracuse Anointing Mass (back row l.to r.) Fr. Vavonese, Mary Pat Northrop, DM, Joyce Donahue (2012 malade), Pat Fallon, DM, Kathleen Bateman holding Jillian, Dr. Tim Fallon,KM, Joan Cincotta, DM, (in front) Ben Bateman (malade), and Nate Bateman.
On July 31st the Syracuse Region of the Order of Malta celebrated its annual Anointing Mass. Celebrating the Mass was chaplain, Father John Ahern, and Father Sal Vavonese, both of whom have participated in the Lourdes pilgrimage for the past two years. The Mass took place in the chapel of the Stella Maris Retreat House, overlooking Skaneateles Lake, approximately 25 miles from Syracuse. Following Mass, all were anointed, because as Father Ahern said, "We are all in need of some healing." The evening concluded with dinner for the several Lourdes malades in attendance, families of living and deceased malades, Knights and Dames, and many children and grandchildren. As always, it was a special time, as we were able to be with our malades, whom we always hold close to us in prayer. - Sharon Cirincione, DM, Syracuse
Development Director Leaves Federal Association
The Federal Associations bids farewell and wishes good luck to Gretchen Koch, the Association’s Director of Development. Gretchen has accepted a position in the development office at Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Washington. Best of luck, Gretchen!
Grant Applications Available
The Grants Committee is starting to receive applications to review at its meeting in November. The committee provides support to programs that provide a direct service to the poor both in this country and abroad. A key component is member involvement. The application must indicate that a member (or members) of the Federal Association are actively involved with the program. The deadline for applications is October 1. If you have questions or would like to request an application, please call (202-331-2494) or e-mail Leif Carlson in the Federal Association office.
Nominations for Officers
At the October meeting, the Board of Directors will elect three executive officers for a 3-year term beginning in 2013: Vice President, Chancellor and Hospitaller. Members who wish to be considered for these positions must submit a self-nomination form to the Nominating Committee by October 1, 2012. Please click here for a copy of the form.
Upcoming Events:
Sep 9 - NoVA, DC, Montgomery County - Combined Auxiliary organizational meeting, Immaculate Conception Church, Washington. Celebrant Mons. James Watkins.
Contact: Dorothy Zolandz
Sep 14 - Columbus - Mass for the Sanctity of Life. 6 PM Mass – St. John the Baptist Church; 7:15 Reception & Dinner - Kinder Women’s Care Center, Columbus. Contact: Charles Mifsud
Sept 15 - Bethesda, MD – Mass for the Sanctity of Life – Our Lady of Lourdes Church, 10:00 AM, Rev. Msgr. John Enzler, click here to RSVP
Sep 16 - Atlanta - Mass for the Sanctity of Life, Holy Spirit at 5:30 PM followed by dinner in McDonough Hall. Contact: Diane Festa
Sep 19 - NoVA - Defense of the Faith meeting with Robert R. Reilly “Islam, Reason, and the War of Ideas” 8 PM Contact: Terry White
Sep 20 - Atlanta - Advice & Aid Pregnancy Gala in McDonough Hall, Holy Spirit Catholic Church, Contact: Diane Festa
Sep 22 - Wilmington - Mass and Annual Diocesan Marian Pilgrimage. Holy Spirit Parish, New Castle, DE. Contact: Geoff Gamble
Oct 16 - Chicago - Mass for the Sanctity of Life, will be held at Holy Family Church. Dinner follows at Rosal’s, Taylor St. Contact: Sam Ciccarelli
Oct 19-20- Investiture Weekend, Washington, Click here for more details.
Oct 21 - Washington, DC - Fifth annual CRUDEM benefit for Hopital Sacre Coeur, at Georgetown Visitation School, 1554 Mass at 10 AM followed by a champagne brunch from 11 to 1.
Nov 2 - Columbus - Mass for the Deceased of the Order at 6 PM, St. John the Baptist Church, 720 Hamlet Street, followed by 7:15 PM Reception and Dinner at Cafe Del Mundo. Contact: Charles Mifsud
Nov 2-4 - Pittsburgh / Western PA Retreat at St. Vincent's Archabbey with retreat master Fr. Justin Matro. Contact: Dan McGrogan
Nov 6 - Chicago - Mass for deceased members of the Order will be held at St. Louise de Marrillac Chapel at Catholic Charities with dinner to follow. Contact: Sam Ciccarelli
Nov 8 - Washington, DC - Memorial Mass for Deceased Members. Georgetown Visitation Preparatory School; Rev. Msgr. John Enzler
Nov 9-11- Dallas - Retreat, featuring Fr. Brendan Gatt, from Malta. Contact: Theresa Martter
Nov 11-16 - New Orleans – Order of Malta Home Repair Program – work week # 1. Please click here for details and sign-up sheet.
Nov 14 - Atlanta - Defense of Faith in Side B of McDonough Hall. 6:30 PM. 7 PM Memorial Mass for Deceased Members, St. Mary’s Chapel followed by dinner at the Rectory. Contact: Diane Festa
Nov 16-17 - Atlanta - Fall Retreat of the Federal Association. Jesuit Retreat Center at Ignatius House - Sandy Spring, GA; Rev. Niel Jarreau, SJ - retreat director Contact: Diane Festa