Order of Malta Moment
September 28, 2012
Defense of the Faith Grant Application Deadline Extended until Oct. 31
Are you involved with an organization which promotes and/or defends the faith? If so, the Defense of the Faith Committee wants to hear from you.
The committee is extending its September deadline and will be accepting grant proposals until October 31. Projects in regions which have not previously submitted proposals are especially welcome. Proposals must be sponsored by a Federal member - preferably one who is personally involved in the project - and the Hospitaller in the region where the project is located must sign the proposal.
Grants range up to $10,000. The proposal must explain how the project promotes or defends the Catholic faith and must be submitted on the DOF grant application form. Past grants have been made to projects which serve Catholics in vulnerable faith situations, such as Catholic military serving in war zones, men and women considering vocations, young adults studying the Catholic faith, and prison chaplaincies serving the incarcerated.
The committee studies proposals and makes recommendations for funding to the Federal Association Board of Directors twice a year---in June and in December. More information and the application form are on the Federal Association website, www.orderofmalta-federal.org, under “Member Documents” in the Members Only section, or contact Leif Carlson in the Association Office. - Kathryn Abell, DMOb, Chair, Defense of the Faith Committee
Come One/Come All: Annual Federal Association Benefit for Sacre Coeur
The CRUDEM benefit on Sunday, Oct. 21 at Georgetown Visitation, will begin at 10 AM with Mass in the Nolan center and a champagne brunch to follow in the Founder’s Hall from 11 AM to 1 PM. Suggested donation $100 per person.
Make checks payable to The CRUDEM Foundation and mail to Martha Kendrick, Esq., Patton Boggs LLP, 2550 M Street, NW, Washington, DC 20037. For information, contact: Sue DuFour, DM or Dr Richard Perry, KM
The Columbus Region celebrated the Mass for the Sanctity of Life followed by a dinner for members and guest on September 14th. Association President-elect Geoffrey Gamble, KHDOb and his wife, Dorcas Gamble, DMOb attended the event and spoke about membership in the Second Class.
Hartford’s Malta House of Care Receives Grant; Provides Free Health Care for the Uninsured
(L-R), Robert Voight, Chairman of the Board Malta House of Care (MHC) Clinic; Natasha Gonzales, Medical Assistant, MHC Clinic; Tara M. Keating, Project Coordinator Connecticut Health and Educational Facilities Authority (CHEFA); Bobbie Bartucca, Executive Director, MHC Foundation; Dianne Benner, MHC Clinic, Volunteer Nurse.
While many of our Federal Association projects receive funding from Federal Association Grants, the Malta House of Care in Hartford, CT recently received funding from the Connecticut Health and Educational Facilities Authority (CHEFA). The competition for a grant was very steep—our Malta House project was invited to submit the application –one of over 200 applications and the organization could not fund them all. Malta House of Care was pleased that it made such a compelling case for support that it received a grant of $62,000 for a one year period. Our mobile van continues to provide health care services for the uninsured in Hartford. We were one of only 23 non-profits receiving the funding and one of only 7 in the area of healthcare. A onetime grant perhaps, but we were very pleased! - Jean Pierre vonRooy, KMOb, Hartford Hospitaller
Annual Investiture Weekend
October 19-20, 2012
Annual Luncheon
Introducing the Prison Ministry Program
Defense of the Faith
Investiture Mass
Investiture Luncheon
Annual White Tie Dinner
Please click here to register and for more information.

Upcoming Events:
Sept 29 - Syracuse - Pancake Breakfast at Assumption Church. Volunteers arrive at 7:30AM - Contact: John Clark
Oct 2 - Syracuse - Sanctity of Life Mass - 5:30 PM at Holy Cross Church, Dewitt, NY-Celebrant Fr. Yeazel - Contact: Noreen Falcone
Oct 4 - Charlotte - Missionaries of the Poor (MOP) grocery preparation teams will undertake a “stack and pack” morning with the Brothers in Monroe. Contact: Barbara Laughlin
Oct 16 - Chicago - Mass for the Sanctity of Life, will be held at Holy Family Church. Dinner follows at Rosal’s, Taylor St. Contact: Sam Ciccarelli
Oct 19-20- Investiture Weekend, Washington, Click here for more details.
Oct 21 - Washington, DC - Fifth annual CRUDEM benefit for Hopital Sacre Coeur, at Georgetown Visitation School, 1524 35th Street, NW, Washington, DC at 10 AM followed by a champagne brunch from 11 to 1.
Oct 27 - MontCo, MD - Halloween Party 4-6PM at St. Ann's Center for Children, Youth and Families (www.stanns.org) in Hyattsville, MD. Contact: Chrissy Page
Oct 27 - Charlotte - Retreat 9 AM- 2 PM at Belmont Abbey. Retreat given by Abbot Placid. Contact: Jerry Schmitt
Oct 27 - Wash, DC - Day of Reflection and Healing for the sick and elderly at 9 AM at Visitation School. Contact: Ann Fox
Oct 28 - Charlotte - Urban Ministry Center (UMC) lunch. Volunteers are needed to serve hundreds of people who will arrive. Contact: Jerry Schmitt
Nov 2 - Columbus - Mass for the Deceased of the Order at 6 PM, St. John the Baptist Church, 720 Hamlet Street, followed by 7:15 PM Reception and Dinner at Cafe Del Mundo. Contact: Charles Mifsud
Nov 2-4 - Pittsburgh / Western PA Retreat at St. Vincent's Archabbey with retreat master Fr. Justin Matro. Click here for more information.
Nov 6 - Chicago - Mass for deceased members of the Order will be held at St. Louise de Marrillac Chapel at Catholic Charities with dinner to follow. Contact: Sam Ciccarelli
Nov 8 - Washington, DC - Memorial Mass for Deceased Members. Georgetown Visitation Preparatory School; Rev. Msgr. John Enzler
Nov 9-11- Dallas - Retreat, featuring Fr. Brendan Gatt, from Malta. Contact: Theresa Martter
Nov 11-16 - New Orleans – Order of Malta Home Repair Program – work week # 1. Please click here for details and sign-up sheet.
Nov 14 - Atlanta - Defense of Faith in Side B of McDonough Hall. 6:30 PM. 7 PM Memorial Mass for Deceased Members, St. Mary’s Chapel followed by dinner at the Rectory. Contact: Diane Festa
Nov 16-17 - Atlanta - Fall Retreat of the Federal Association. Jesuit Retreat Center at Ignatius House - Sandy Spring, GA; Rev. Niel Jarreau, SJ - retreat director - Click here for more information.
Dec 2 - Dallas - Mass and lunch for the residents at St. Joseph's Retirement home. Contact: Theresa Martter
Dec 3 - Charlotte - Room at the Inn, serving area homeless men with a meal and overnight shelter. Contact: Barbara Laughlin