Order of Malta Moment
October 26, 2012

Several hundred members of the Federal Association and their family members and friends participated in the Federal Association’s Investiture Weekend activities in Washington on Oct 19 – 20. On Friday over 150 members attended the Members Only Luncheon and heard reports from the Association’s Hospitaller, Treasurer, Chancellor, and President. Before the business session, President Paul McNamara presented the Order’s Pro Merito Melitensi award to several Federal Association members for their dedicated service to the Order. On Friday afternoon there was a presentation on the Association’s fledgling prison ministry program, followed by the third annual Defense of the Faith Forum. Archbishop Lori was the principal speaker and his topic -- Challenges Facing Catholics in America Today – was very timely and elicited many questions from the audience of over 250. Listen to a podcast of the presentation here.
Podcast of the Defense of the Faith Forum
On Saturday morning, four chaplains and 40 Knights and Dames were invested as new members at the Investiture Mass and ceremony at St. Matthews Cathedral. The Most Reverend Kevin Farrell, the Bishop of Dallas and a Conventual Chaplain ad honorem of the Federal Association was the principal celebrant and homilist. At the Investiture Luncheon five members of the Association received the President's Award. On Saturday night the newly invested members were feted at the annual White Tie Dinner, held this year at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce which is across from The White House. To see a list of all new members and winners of the Pro Merito and President’s awards, please click here. To view the Photo Gallery of all of the weekend activities, please click here.
On October 19 the Board of Directors elected two new officers to three year terms (2013-2015): Margaret B. Melady, Ph.D. of Washington, DC as Vice President and Robert Signorelli of Houston, TX as Hospitaller. Gregory Granitto, Esq., of Bethesda, MD was re-elected as the Association’s Chancellor. The term of office for new officers and directors begins January 1, 2013.
TRIP TO ROME – Feb 2013
Almost all of the details for the Federal Association’s trip to Rome in February for the commemoration of the 900 year anniversary of the signing of the Papal Bull are finalized. The dates are February 7 – 10, 2013, and the highlight will be the special Mass for the Order in St. Peter’s Basilica and an audience with Pope Benedict afterward. There will be museum tours and receptions. The Order is arranging all of the hotel accommodations and people will be asked to make their own travel arrangements. Please click here to see the tentative schedule and sign-up information. The dates are set and 90% of the activities and fees are firm. Final schedule and sign up will be sent to all next week.

The dates are set, May 1 – 8, 2013, the pricing is complete (same as last year!) and you are now able to register for the 2013 pilgrimage to Lourdes. Please click here to access our On-Line Invitation and Registration Form. There you will find information about the travel and hotel arrangements, tentative schedule of pilgrimage activities. Once again we will charter a 250-seat aircraft that will take our pilgrims – non-stop - from Baltimore (BWI) to Lourdes. To be sure that we fill the plane, once again this year we will only accept registrations from pilgrims who will be joining the group on the aircraft. Lourdes-Only applications will not be accepted until the plane is full. Registering on-line is completely secure and all your information will be received immediately by the Federal Association office. If you still prefer to pay with a check, please contact Leif Carlson in the Federal Association office.
Upcoming Events:
Oct 27 - MontCo, MD - Halloween Party 4-6PM at St. Ann's Center for Children, Youth and Families (www.stanns.org) in Hyattsville, MD. Contact: Chrissy Page
Oct 27 - Charlotte - Retreat 9 AM- 2 PM at Belmont Abbey. Retreat given by Abbot Placid Solari. Contact: Jerry Schmitt
Oct 27 - Wash, DC - Day of Reflection and Healing for the sick and elderly at 9 AM at Visitation School. Contact: Ann Fox
Oct 28 - Charlotte - Urban Ministry Center (UMC) lunch. Volunteers are needed to serve hundreds of people who will arrive. Contact: Jerry Schmitt
Oct 29 - Malta House Birthday Party - Volunteers arrive at 2:30PM.
Contact: Pat Fallon
Nov 2 - Columbus - Mass for the Deceased of the Order at 6 PM, St. John the Baptist Church, 720 Hamlet Street, followed by 7:15 PM Reception and Dinner at Cafe Del Mundo. Contact: Charles Mifsud
Nov 2-4 - Pittsburgh / Western PA Retreat at St. Vincent's Archabbey with retreat master Fr. Justin Matro. Click here for more information.
Nov 6 - Chicago - Mass for deceased members of the Order will be held at St. Louise de Marrillac Chapel at Catholic Charities with dinner to follow. Contact: Sam Ciccarelli
Nov 8 - Washington, DC - Memorial Mass for Deceased Members. Georgetown Visitation Preparatory School; Rev. Msgr. John Enzler. Click here to register.
Nov 9-11- Dallas - Retreat, featuring Fr. Brendan Gatt, from Malta. Click here for details.
Nov 11-16 - New Orleans – Order of Malta Home Repair Program – work week # 1. Please click here for details and sign-up sheet.
Nov 14 - Atlanta - Defense of Faith in Side B of McDonough Hall. 6:30 PM. 7 PM Memorial Mass for Deceased Members, St. Mary’s Chapel followed by dinner at the Rectory. Contact: Diane Festa
Nov 16-17 - Atlanta - Fall Retreat of the Federal Association. Jesuit Retreat Center at Ignatius House - Sandy Spring, GA; Rev. Jose Fetzer, SJ - retreat director - Click here to register.
Nov 17 - Assumption Pancake Breakfast - Volunteers arrive at 7:30AM. Contact: John Clark
Nov 18 - Malta House Thanksgiving Dinner - Volunteers arrive at
11:30 AM. Contact Pat Fallon
Dec 2 - Dallas - Mass and lunch for the residents at St. Joseph's Retirement home. Contact: Theresa Martter
Dec 3 - Charlotte - Room at the Inn, serving area homeless men with a meal and overnight shelter. Contact: Barbara Laughlin
Jan 7 - Charlotte - Room at the Inn, service project for homeless men. Contact: Barbara Laughlin
Jan 11-13 - Memphis - Retreat at Our Lady Queen of Peace Retreat Center, Dancyville, TN. Contact: Robert Hutton
Jan 14 - Lancaster - Sanctity of Life Mass at 7:00 PM; St. John Neumann Church in Lancaster. Please click here.