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Latino Cultural Discussion Sponsored at Catholic University

Roxana Semorile, Candidate

On December 11, 2024, the Catholic University of America hosted a powerful panel discussion titled "Exploring Latino Complexities: A Cultural Inquiry." This event, organized by the Order of Malta in collaboration with the university’s School of Theology and Religious Studies and Notre Dame's Haciendo Caminos program, brought together ...

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Lancaster Celebrates Jubilee Mass

Peter Scudner, GCM

The Diocese of Harrisburg (PA) opened the Jubilee Year with a special Mass at the Cathedral Parish of Saint Patrick on Sunday, December 29th. Prior to the Mass, members of the Lancaster Region joined with ...

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Central Texas Holds Tri-Association Retreat

Christy Wilkens

Central Texas members recently had the privilege of hosting their Texan friends and confrères for the 2024 Texas Tri-Region Retreat. More than 40 attendees listened to the words of our invited speaker, Sister Maria ...

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Kansas City Hosts Defense of Faith Forum

Dr. Douglas Rivard

The Kansas City Region hosted Professor Robert George from Princeton University this fall for a Defense of the Faith forum in our region. Professor George is a distinguished Catholic attorney and scholar, pro-life advocate, and ...

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Kansas City Hosts Defense of Faith Forum

Dr. Douglas Rivard

The Kansas City Region hosted Professor Robert George from Princeton University this fall for a Defense of the Faith forum in our region. Professor George is a distinguished Catholic attorney and scholar, pro-life advocate, and ...

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MercyRide 2024 Proceeds Benefit Catholic Charities

Ted Zagrobelny, KM

On November 19, members of the Northern Virginia Region presented a check in the amount of $10,000 to Bishop Michael F. Burbidge of the Diocese of Arlington, Virginia, recently invested as a conventual ...

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Spirituality and Service in the Federal Association: A Conversation with Past Presidents

Diane Oakley, DM

Members of the four regions in the greater Washington DC area gathered on November 14 to celebrate "50 Years of Spirituality and Service" through the Order of Malta’s Federal Association. The Rev. Bud Stevens ...

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Richmond Sends Hurricane Relief to North Carolina

John McCulla, KM

The Richmond Region recently undertook a fast-paced initiative to gather a large amount of clothing, shoes, outerwear, and cold-weather items to support the needs of those devastated by Hurricane Helene. The project was proposed ...

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What Lourdes Means for a First-Time Pilgrim

Michael Dombo

It is said that there are no coincidences in Lourdes, and for us, this proved undeniably true. After two previous attempts to make a pilgrimage with our daughter fell through, our third and successful visit ...

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An Advent Reflection

Rev. Msgr. James D. Watkins, Conventual Chaplain ad honorem

My dear Knights and Dames, 

It is now time for Advent and a new liturgical year. The word Advent means “coming toward” or “approaching.”  As we draw close to the end of another year, once ...

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Lancaster Celebrates Remembrance Mass for Members and Malades

Gerry Ganse, KMOb

On Monday, November 4th, The Lancaster Region celebrated its third Annual Remembrance Mass for Deceased Lourdes Malades and Deceased Region Members at St. Joseph Catholic Church, Lancaster, PA.

Father Allan Wolfe, Magistral Chaplain, presided at ...

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Federal Association Hurricane Relief Update

Stanhope Johnson

On October 9th, a steering committee convened to discuss how the Federal Association can help provide necessary supplies and long-term assistance in the repair and rebuilding of homes for those affected by Hurricane Helene.

Initially ...

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Evensong in Dallas for the Feast of Blessed Gerard

John Griffin, Esq., KM

The Dallas Region of the Federal Association, along with confreres from the Dallas Area of the American Association, the Johanniterorden, and Most Venerable Order of St. John, attended and participated in Evensong for the Feast ...

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Western North Carolina Hurricane Relief Update

Rev. Luke Millette, Magistral Chaplain

We all have those songs that bring back memories and transport us to another place. For, me, one of those songs is “Country Roads” by John Denver. For many years of my life, this song ...

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Philadelphia Partners with Archdiocese for Boot Up Philly

Robert Macri, KM

For the fourth year in a row, the Philadelphia Region partnered with the Archdiocese of Philadelphia for Boot Up Philly, an outreach event that brings together multiple faith-based service organizations. Members of the Philadelphia Region ...

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Oklahoma City Publishes “Essential Prayers for Children”

Jason Zimdars, KM

This spring, knights, dames, candidates, and volunteers of the Oklahoma City Region delivered copies of “Essential Prayers for Children” to every third-grade student in Catholic schools across the Archdiocese of Oklahoma City and the Diocese ...

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Future Saint of the Order, Gregorio Pietro XV Agagianian (Bailiff Grand Cross, Honor and Devotion)

Cara Aghajanian, DMOb

September 12th marked seminal events for the Armenian community, Lebanon, the Order of Malta, and the world. As part of his cause for canonization, the incorrupt, mortal remains of Servant of God Cardinal Gregorio ...

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Syracuse Sponsors Assumption Events for Malades

Thomas Valenti, KM

Last month, the Syracuse Region organized, sponsored and carried out events in honor of our Blessed Mother in celebration of her Assumption and in honor of the malades whom the region has sponsored on the ...

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Nashville Holds Defense of Faith Talk

Philip Mauro, KM

On August 27th the Nashville Region in Development held Vespers followed by a Defense of the Faith talk by the Rev. Corwin Low, OP about his conversion to Catholicism following his career as a successful ...

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Montgomery County Celebrates Annual Lourdes Anointing Mass

Barbara Ritschel, DM

In June, more than 100 people attended the 14th Annual Lourdes Anointing Mass at Our Lady of Mercy in Potomac, Maryland, sponsored by the Montgomery County Region. Msgr. Charles Antonicelli, conventual chaplain ad honorem, was ...

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Northern Virginia Supports Mercy Ride in Arlington

Ted Zagrobelny, KM

Members of the Order of Malta Northern Virginia Region’s 2025 formation class are recruiting cyclists, volunteers, and donors for their first-ever Mercy Ride — a cycling event raising money for our lords, the sick and ...

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Washington Region Volunteers at L'Arche

Richard Landfield, KM

On July 10th seven Malta volunteers from Holy Trinity parish had the privilege of providing, serving, and eating dinner with the residents of a L’Arche home in the Adams Morgan section of Washington. L ...

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Reflection on Msgr. Anthony J. Marcaccio

Derek Ritzel, KM

Thank you all for coming to celebrate the life of this remarkable man. Thank you to the Marcaccio and Proffitt families. Thank you to Chuck and Mary, Celeste and Steve, and John and Kay for ...

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Order of Malta Joins National Eucharistic Congress


13 Knights and Dames of the Federal and American Associations joined the 10th National Eucharistic Congress in Indianapolis from July 17th-21st. Led by Dr. Richard Feely, KMOb, the Knights and Dames processed through the streets ...

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Catholic Spirituality for the Incarcerated