Syracuse Sponsors Assumption Events for Malades

Last month, the Syracuse Region organized, sponsored and carried out events in honor of our Blessed Mother in celebration of her Assumption and in honor of the malades whom the region has sponsored on the Lourdes pilgrimage over the years. The afternoon began with praying the Glorious Mysteries of the rosary in a public park along the shore of beautiful Skaneateles Lake. The rosary was prayed by more than 75 malades, dames, knights, parishioners of St. Mary’s of the Lake Church, and Catholic visitors to the Village of Skaneateles.
Afterward, those who could walk participated in a half-mile procession from Skaneateles Lake to St. Mary’s, following a large statue of the Blessed Mother through the streets of the village. Those who were unable to walk, were transported back to St. Mary’s by a limousine bus provided by the region.
After the procession, Mass was celebrated at St. Mary’s by its pastor, the Rev. Brian Lang and Fathers Manno, Paschal, and Vincent. After Mass the sacrament of the anointing of the sick was conferred by the priests on our beloved malades, their families, and anyone else who discerned the need for the sacrament.
The day concluded with a dinner presented by the region to honor our beloved malades, companions, and families. Joan Cincotta, DM, long-time head nurse for the Federal Association, welcomed the malades and guests and expressed our continued love, prayers, and willing service for them. Finally, the dinner guests were addressed by Linda Campbell, who was sponsored by the region to Lourdes this past May. Linda described her transformative experience in Lourdes and her deep gratitude for the loving care she received from dames and knights there.
The Syracuse Region is active and engaged in fulfilling our Order’s missions to defend the faith and serve the poor and the sick. Each month, the region hosts a First Friday Mass and breakfast, serves a luncheon, prays the rosary and provides entertainment for the elderly and infirm residents of the Malta House assisted-living facility, and presents a free pancake breakfast for the poor. Weekly, the region prays the rosary for a long list of those in need of prayer. Annually, it conducts a day of reflection and prayer at Christ the King Retreat Center and distributes all-weather coats to the poor around Thanksgiving. Daily, dames and knights are actively involved in prison ministry, the Samaritan Center, Emmaus Ministry, and Joseph’s House for Women.