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Future Saint of the Order, Gregorio Pietro XV Agagianian (Bailiff Grand Cross, Honor and Devotion)

Cara Aghajanian, DMOb

September 12th marked seminal events for the Armenian community, Lebanon, the Order of Malta, and the world. As part of his cause for canonization, the incorrupt, mortal remains of Servant of God Cardinal Gregorio Pietro XV Agagianian (Կարտինալ Գրիգոր Պետրոս ԺԵ Աղաճանեան) were transferred from his tomb in Rome to a newly dedicated chapel ...

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Oklahoma City Publishes “Essential Prayers for Children”

Jason Zimdars, KM

This spring, knights, dames, candidates, and volunteers of the Oklahoma City Region delivered copies of “Essential Prayers for Children” to every third-grade student in Catholic schools across the Archdiocese of Oklahoma City and the Diocese ...

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Syracuse Sponsors Assumption Events for Malades

Thomas Valenti, KM

Last month, the Syracuse Region organized, sponsored and carried out events in honor of our Blessed Mother in celebration of her Assumption and in honor of the malades whom the region has sponsored on the ...

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Nashville Holds Defense of Faith Talk

Philip Mauro, KM

On August 27th the Nashville Region in Development held Vespers followed by a Defense of the Faith talk by the Rev. Corwin Low, OP about his conversion to Catholicism following his career as a successful ...

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Christmas Reflection

Bishop Brendan Cahill, Bishop of the Diocese of Victoria, Texas

“No one has ever seen God.  It is God the only Son, who is close to the Father’s heart, who has made him known.” John 1:18


It is dark, it is night, and ...

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Christmas Dinner at Fisher House

Gaby DeLeon, KM


Members in the Montgomery County region recently held a Christmas dinner for about 70 residents of the local Fisher House. The Fisher House Foundation supports a network of houses where military families can stay at ...

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Christmas: Encounter Jesus in Places of Wonder

2015-12-21 Vatican Radio

Vatican City, 20 December 2015 (VIS) – The Holy Father appeared at the window of his study in the Vatican Apostolic Palace at midday today to pray the Angelus with the faithful gathered in St. Peter ...

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Bishop Confirms Inmates Instructed by Malta Volunteers

Jim Lentz, KM


Bishop Peter J. Jugis of the Diocese of Charlotte recently confirmed 10 inmates who had received instruction in the Catholic faith from volunteers with the Order of Malta prison ministry program at the Winston-Salem Federal ...

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Winston-Salem Region Supports Family House

Jim Lentz, KM


Suppose that your cancer doctor just gave you the news that your treatment of six weeks of radiation and chemotherapy would need to be at Baptist Medical Center in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, which is  350 ...

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Helping the Disabled in Lebanon



Dr. Richard A. Feely, KM and Suzanne Nelson, DM (in formation), a retired physical therapist, traveled from Chicago/Milwaukee to Beirut, Lebanon October 31 to help the Lebanese Association of the Order of Malta at ...

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Cross pro Merito Melitensi




On Wednesday, December 2, the Cross pro Merito Melitensi was bestowed upon the following Knights of the Order of Malta Federal Association:


  • Thomas C. Gaspard, KM - Tom was invested as a Knight of Magistral ...
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Pope Opens Holy Door of Mercy in Bangui, Calling it “spiritual capital of the world”

2015-11-30 Vatican Radio


From: Vatican Radio


Vatican City, 30 November 2015 (VIS) “Today Bangui becomes the spiritual capital of the world. The Holy Year of Mercy comes in advance to this land. A land that has suffered for ...

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Feast of All Saints

Most Reverend William E. Lori, Archbishop of Baltimore


"If I am not becoming a saint, then I am doing nothing."

- St. Theresa of Avila


I have often thought of the Feast of All Saints as 'the feast of no excuses'. We may all ...

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Kansas City Holds First Defense of the Faith Lecture Series Event

Georgia Lynch, DM

Jim Lynch, Hospitaller, Dr. Paul Camarata, event chairman, Dr. Peter Kreeft, guest speaker sporting Kansas City Royals World Series Champions shirt and cap, and Fr. Mark Lewis, S.J., director of the Thomas More Center ...

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Paris Attacks: The Grand Master Sends a Message of Condolence to President Hollande

Rome, 17/11/2015


The Grand Master of the Sovereign Order of Malta, Fra’ Matthew Festing, has sent a message of condolence to the French President François Hollande after the shocking attacks in Paris which took place last ...

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Pope Denounces Using God's Name to Justify Violence as Blasphemy

2015-11-15 Vatican Radio


(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis on Sunday condemned the violence and hatred behind the terror attacks in France which left 129 people dead and several hundred others injured. Speaking to the crowds gathered in St Peter ...

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Year of Mercy

Shep Abell, GCMOb


Dear Members of the Federal Association,


As we all know, the Holy Father has designated a Year of Mercy to begin on December 8, 2015.


The members of the Spirituality Committee believe that this would ...

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Lancaster Region Conference on Saving Christianity in the Middle East

Frank Orban, III, KM


The Lancaster Region of the Order of Malta designed and sponsored a two-day ecumenical conference October 22-23 on Persecuted Christians: Saving Christianity in the Middle East, bringing together a wide array of Christian service groups ...

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2015 Western Pennsylvania Retreat Recap

Anthony Barna, KM


The 2015 Western Pennsylvania Retreat in the Benedictine tradition at the Saint Vincent Archabbey was hosted by the Pittsburgh Region from October 28 to November 1. 


Rev. Boniface Hicks who is a U.S. delegate ...

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The Message of Pope Francis

Archbishop Emeritus Alfred C. Hughes


Pope Francis has come and gone. He spoke many words, but his witness was even more powerful.

Pope Francis addressed a whole spectrum of issues. In his address to Congress he lifted up the figure ...

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Pope Francis Comes to Little Rome

Bernadette Semple, DM and Lynn Mullaney, DM

Peter Scudner, KM, Lynn Mullaney, DM, Ty Freyvogel, KM, and Noreen Falcone, DM (left to right) ran into each other at the Catholic University of America reception prior to Mass.


In Northeast Washington, DC there ...

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Fall Clean Up in Kansas City

Georgia Lynch, DM


On a chilly but sunny Saturday morning in October, the Kansas City Chapter of the Order of Malta, Members and their families, worked together on our fall clean-up of the Shrine Gardens at the Jeanne ...

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Investiture 2015

Peter Scudner, KM

Speaking to nearly 500 Members, family, friends, and newly invested, Cardinal Donald Wuerl, the Archbishop of Washington, D.C., placed his message in last month’s Investiture Mass in the larger context of the then ...

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Defense of Faith Presentation 2015

Michele Burke Bowe, DM


The Defense of the Faith Committee, chaired by Philip Ward, invited Ambassador Justin Sterling Simpson, the Order’s ambassador to Palestine, and Michele Bowe, the Order’s minister counselor to Palestine, to make a presentation ...

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Catholic Spirituality for the Incarcerated