Second Harvest Food Bank

Shown in the photo are 24 members and their families, of the Greensboro region, on Saturday, January 10th, after packing cases of food (provided by the government) for the hungry and needy in 18 counties of Northwest North Carolina. The packing was done at the Second Harvest Food Bank in Winston-Salem, NC.
This food is distributed to 400 partner agencies of the food bank and is part of a program to provide food to those without food in NW North Carolina.
This is one of the continuing programs of the Greensboro region to feed the hungry, care for the inmates in the federal prison in Winston-Salem via a weekly mass and provide food for the elderly in homes such as Dolan Manor, a low-income subsidized facility. Members of the Greensboro region also provide dinners on a regular basis to the State Employees’ Credit Union (SECU) Family House in Winston-Salem, where family members can stay for extended periods as members from their families recover from serious illnesses at one of the local major trauma centers.