


Fra' Matthew Festing's Funeral Service

The funeral of Fra' Matthew Festing will be held Friday, December 3rd at 8:00 AM ET/ 7:00 AM CT.
During the funeral, there will be three live streaming services available:
1. Malta's national TV will be broadcasting the funeral live. It will be preceded by a preparatory programme, the details of which are still unclear, but certainly starting at least half an hour ahead of the funeral. Note that the coverage and live commentary will be in Maltese, but the service itself will be in English. Please access TVM live at the following link: https://www.tvm.com.mt/mt/tvmi/live/
2. The Archdiocese of Malta has prepared the following link that is specific to Fra' Matthew's funeral. This will be live streamed directly from the co-Cathedral, with no further commentary, at the following link: https://youtu.be/vqdjs0TKLwk
3. Technology permitting, there will be an attempt to stream the funeral on the Maltese Association's Instagram site at the following link : https://www.instagram.com/explore/tags/malteseassociation/