


Order of Malta Launches Official YouTube Channel


The Grand Magistry Communications Office has launched an official Order of Malta channel on YouTube.  In addition to the official pages on Facebook and Twitter (in five languages respectively) and on LinkedIn, the opening of a YouTube channel follows the Grand Magistry strategy to integrate social media into its institutional communications.

The channel will promote the work of the Order’s worldwide entities by sharing our best videos through the official channel. The channel also includes institutional videos and press coverage. In addition, given the existence of false orders and inaccurate videos on YouTube, the stronger the Order of Malta's presence is on the site the better.

The Federal Association's Communications Committee will work with the regions to gather video we can share on YouTube. We will also be producing some videos that describe the works of the Order in the US.  Anyone currently producing YouTube videos for the Order is asked to contact Peter Scudner, Chairman of the Communications Committee at skudrna@aol.com.

Click here to visit the Order’s official YouTube channel!