


In June, distinguished author, political analyst and social activist George Weigel travelled from Washington DC, where he serves as Senior Fellow of the Ethics and Public Policy Center, to Syracuse for our Defense of the Faith Forum. The event was held at the Genesee Grande Hotel with light refreshments preceding. He addressed a crowd of nearly 200 on the topic “This Catholic Moment: What Must Be Fixed in the Church and What Are Our Many Reasons for Hope.”


With his background as a historian, Dr. Weigel took us on a 2000-year journey through several of the most significant challenges the Church as faced and overcome. He made the point that although some forces within our society are actively trying to marginalize Christianity, this is not a new problem. He was optimistic that the Church will again overcome its trials and ultimately emerge stronger. He encouraged us to maintain an active voice and evangelize within our communities. Dr. Weigel had dinner with several of our members after his talk.