


DC Knight Honored at National Prayer Breakfast

Gerald Giblin, KMOb, was surprised to be the inaugural recipient of the Christifideles Laici Award presented at the National Catholic Prayer Breakfast in April in Washington, DC before 1,400 attendees.


The award recognizes lay men and women who have given their lives to serve the Church. The name derives from St. John Paul II's Post-Synodal Exhortation Christifideles Laici in which he called for the lay faithful to answer the Lord's call for individual mission "on behalf of the Church and the world" and "to stir and promote a deeper awareness among the faithful of the gift and responsibility they share, both as a group and as individuals, in the communion and mission of the Church." The award reads: "In honor and gratitude for the Fidelity to the Church, Exemplary Selfless and Steadfast Service in the Lord's Vineyard."


In presenting the award to Gerry Giblin, the host remarked that it is well known that of the hundreds gathered for the National Catholic Prayer Breakfast every year, Gerry is single-handedly responsible for at least one-third of the room. His devotion and dogged pursuit have made him integral to the growing success of this very public Catholic gathering in the nation's capital. Well done, faithful servant.